Building the Arcanum Immortalis

Embark on a journey through our immersive, story-driven tabletop RPG, exploring game mechanics, world-building insights, and creative tips to enhance your epic adventures.

Introducing Marentis: A World of Conflict, Progress, and Uncertainty

Welcome to Marentis, a world teeming with social and societal conflict. We've taken a unique approach, favoring a realistic portrayal of conflict and evil rather than relying on the clichés of dark lords and cartoon necromancers. Instead, our focus lies on robber barons, exploitative business practices, narcissistic kings, unethical science, and factions competing for attention, power, and control. The setting's tone can range from light to heavy, but amidst its darker elements, you'll find genuinely good-hearted individuals working tirelessly to bring about positive change.

The history of Marentis reaches back four thousand years when a once powerful civilization, imbued with both magic and advanced technology, thrived across the land. However, something catastrophic occurred, leaving behind ruins and mysteries that still puzzle the inhabitants. Humanoids were reduced to using stone weapons and basic agriculture, and they gradually progressed through the bronze and iron ages, relearning the arts of magic and technology. Remnants of the enigmatic pre-history civilization can be found in scattered ruins, constructed with unfamiliar materials and held together by decaying spells. These ancient sites are perilous to explore, yet they occasionally yield marvelous and wondrous artifacts.

The current era in Marentis is known as the Age of the Pen, a time of scientific and academic magic that bears resemblance to the late Renaissance and the eve of the industrial revolution in our own world. Magic and technology are advancing at an unprecedented pace, igniting a cultural war between traditional and progressive ideologies. At the forefront of this clash is the Arcanum Immortalis, the prestigious mage's guild dedicated to academic magic. This influential organization spans the globe, wielding immense power and influence.

The Arcanum's unveiling of prototype golems made from earth and stone has also sparked anxiety among workers, who fear being replaced in manual labor, much like miners have been replaced by undead. Remnants of fear linger from a recent genocide targeting bloodline mages. A new goddess of freedom challenges traditional structures and families, sparking both admiration and criticism. As her influence expands, the delicate balance between personal liberation and the sanctity of oaths is fiercely debated.

Marentis stands on the precipice of profound change, and uncertainty looms over the land. Will these changes lead to a better future, or will they deepen the divisions and conflicts that already plague the realm? Only time will tell. As you explore the rich tapestry of Marentis, prepare to navigate treacherous landscapes, encounter intriguing characters, and uncover the secrets of a world in flux.

We invite you to join us on this journey, where your choices will shape the destiny of Marentis. Stay tuned for more updates and delve into the immersive experience that awaits in our unique setting. Together, let's embrace the challenge of a changing world and discover what lies beyond the horizon.

Remember, in Marentis, the true heroes are those who strive to make a difference, and the path to a brighter future begins with you.

Embracing the Curse

An introduction to the Cursed Mage
The air was thick with smoke, and the screams of the citizens echoed through the burning city. Aria, a young seer, stood helplessly watching the carnage. She had seen this day coming, yet her desperate warnings fell on deaf ears. As the fire raged around her, she wondered if her cursed gift was more a burden than a blessing.

Cursed magic is one of the sources of magical power in Arcanum Immortalis. Unlike other sources, which draw their power from intellectual pursuits, bloodlines, or pacts with otherworldly beings, cursed magic arises from traumatic or transformative events. These experiences leave an indelible mark on the mages, granting them unique abilities that come with their own set of challenges. By choosing a cursed magic source for their character, players have the opportunity to explore complex and compelling personal narratives that are deeply intertwined with their magical abilities. The five cursed mage archetypes discussed here are just the beginning of the many possibilities that await those who dare to embrace the power of the curse.

  1. Haunted: Haunted mages are constantly surrounded by the spirits of the dead. Some seek justice, others offer guidance, but all are drawn to the mage like moths to a flame. This unique connection to the spirit world grants haunted mages unparalleled expertise in the art of necromancy. They can summon and control undead creatures, making them formidable allies or fearsome enemies. However, this constant exposure to the dead can be emotionally draining, as the mage is never truly alone.

  2. Possessed: Possessed mages harbor a dangerous secret: they share their body with a parasitic entity. These parasites can be alien beings, spirits, demons, or something else entirely. While this symbiotic relationship may grant the mage access to unique abilities and knowledge, it also leaves them vulnerable to the whims of their parasitic partner. Possessed mages must strike a delicate balance between harnessing the power of their parasite and maintaining control over their own body and mind.

  3. Eldritch: Eldritch mages have glimpsed the unimaginable, their minds forever altered by the arcane secrets they've uncovered. These experiences leave them with an uncanny understanding of magic, enabling them to decipher runes and decipher hidden knowledge that remains inaccessible to others. But this arcane insight comes at a price: a permanent penalty to their Awareness. Eldritch mages may be brilliant, but they are also prone to madness, forever haunted by the unfathomable truths they've discovered.

  4. Monstrosity: The Monstrosity mage has undergone a terrible transformation, their once-human appearance twisted into a hideous, bestial form. Though this change has stripped them of their beauty, it has also granted them incredible physical prowess and heightened senses. Monstrosity mages excel at using magic to augment their already impressive abilities, making them formidable opponents in any combat situation. Yet their monstrous visage often inspires fear and mistrust, leaving these mages isolated and misunderstood.

  5. Seer: Plagued by visions of impending doom, seer mages bear the heavy burden of foresight. Their prophetic glimpses of the future can be both a blessing and a curse, as they struggle to convince others of the catastrophes awaiting them. While their ability to predict danger may save lives, seer mages often find themselves ignored or dismissed, their dire warnings falling on deaf ears. Living with the knowledge of what's to come, these mages must find a way to navigate a world that refuses to heed their cautionary tales.

Cursed magic may bring immense power, but it also carries a heavy burden. Those who wield it must navigate the delicate balance between harnessing their abilities and succumbing to the darker aspects of their curse. For players in Arcanum Immortalis, exploring the world as one of these five cursed mage archetypes offers a rich and unique roleplaying experience.

Embrace the curse, and let your character's story unfold.

Exploring Our Unique Character Class System

We believe that creativity and versatility are key to crafting the perfect hero. That's why we've designed an innovative character class system that offers a diverse range of options to suit any playstyle. Featuring three core classes and four hybrid classes, Arcanum Immortalis encourages players to mix and match abilities to create truly unique characters.

Core Classes:

  1. Expert: The Expert excels in skills and utility, specializing in roles such as spy, inventor, socialite, scholar, or entertainer. While they can learn combat or magic, their true strength lies in their knowledge and adaptability.
  2. Mage: The Mage is a master of the arcane arts, harnessing power from various sources and specializing in a range of magical disciplines. Whether a religious healer or a reclusive witch, their expertise lies in the realm of the mystical.
  3. Warrior: The Warrior is a paragon of physical prowess, skilled in a myriad of combat styles. From knights to berserkers to martial artists, these fighters excel in battle and physical contests.

Hybrid Classes:

  1. Arcanist: As a blend of Expert and Mage, the Arcanist is a versatile utility character. They excel in crafting enchanted items, uncovering forbidden knowledge, and combining magic with practical skills.
  2. Skirmisher: The Skirmisher is a hybrid of Expert and Warrior, offering a balance between utility and combat prowess. They excel in roles such as military scouts, assassins, or inquisitors, specializing in swift and disabling attacks.
  3. Templar: Combining the strengths of Mage and Warrior, the Templar wields both weapons and magic. These champions might be holy warriors, elemental monks, kineticist swordsmen, or more.
  4. Jack: The Jack is a true hybrid, encompassing aspects of Expert, Mage, and Warrior. Although they may not reach the pinnacle of any single domain, their versatility makes them invaluable. Examples include bards, magical survivalists, and supernatural monster hunters.

Venn diagram of the core and hybrid classes.

By using character focus and playstyle as our base for classes, we can use a modular approach for simple-but-diverse player options.

Embrace the freedom of our unique character class system and unleash your hero's potential as you embark on epic, story-driven quests in our tabletop RPG. Stay tuned for more insights into our game mechanics and world-building, and happy adventuring!

Welcome to Our World!

Introducing Our Tabletop RPG and the Journey Ahead

Hello, adventurers!

We are thrilled to welcome you to the our original, story-driven tabletop RPG: Arcanum Immortalis! As passionate game designers, writers, and artists, we've poured our hearts and souls into creating a game that combines captivating narratives, innovative mechanics, and breathtaking visuals. Our goal is to immerse you in a rich and diverse world, where you'll embark on thrilling adventures, forge unforgettable bonds, and leave a lasting impact on the course of history.

Our unique RPG system offers:

  • A flexible class and magic system that allows for personalized character progression
  • An engaging social combat system that adds depth and intrigue to interactions
  • A carefully balanced economy, crafting, and building system to shape your world
  • A rich, original setting with endless opportunities for adventure

As we continue to develop and refine our game, we are eager to share our progress, insights, and behind-the-scenes content with you through this blog. In the coming weeks, you can look forward to:

  • In-depth articles exploring our game's mechanics, world-building, and character creation
  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses into our design process and creative journey
  • Artwork showcases featuring the stunning visuals that bring our game to life
  • Tips and resources to enhance your gameplay experience

We couldn't be more excited to embark on this journey with you, our fellow adventurers. We believe that tabletop RPGs have the power to bring people together, inspire creativity, and create lasting memories. It is our honor and privilege to share our labor of love with you, and we can't wait to see the incredible stories you'll create within our world.

Stay tuned for our next update, and until then, happy adventuring!

Warm regards,

Ian and Eliza
Co-Founders & Game Designers